I’m an enthusiastic nature lover, voluenteer, gardener, Scout Master. Thirty years of age, I always finding a way for self-employment and self-education. The past 17 years all of my free time I devoted to the Scout Group “Njegoš”, educating children and youth, contributing to society and local communities.
I’m now on a mission to revive my root house in country side and open its doors for tourists, wwoofs, and primary/high schools. Want to make a green eco village with camp, organic food, wooden cabins, everything powered with renewable energy, green house, build chicken coop, wood hut (outdoor kitchen), showers, bathroom for winter, bring drinkable water to property.
The plan is to create a completely self sustainable property that can fund itself, welcome wwoof-ers, organize camps for primary/high schools for demonstration of green sustainability of one property, camps for learning scouting and bushcraft skills .
Recently I received a philantropic award on Philantropy for Green Ideas with award amount of $10,000 for the best green business idea, so we are on a good path to being realized.
My personal goal is to settle and grow old on this property but with same life principles as that I currently have, help others and bring them joy, peace and knowledge.
So by backing my goal you will give to a lot of people enjoyment, fulfilment, skills and you’ll help raise awareness to local community and people from cities that village can be good example for green development.
The direct impact of our idea is to thru time invest in the local community, implement green technologies, improve economic situation of the village and to be an example for youth in Montenegro for green sustainable development. We hope to also be an example of other locations accross Montenegro and Balkans of how one can be self-sustainable and not destroy the environment.
We want to make the property better, more attractive and accessible. Want to bring people from Montenegro and around the world to show them the village, and this local, green-sustainable property. Plan is to open our doors of our property to WWOOFers, tourists and kids from primary/high schools. So we need your help!
What we did so far and our plan:
– Changed roof and tile on house
– Changed power installations in house
– We have rebuild part of house that was the meat smoking room into living room
– Renovated bedroom
– Planted more fruits on property
We invested 10 000€ so far. Last four years were full of work, cycles of saving and investing.
You can check gallery on /gallery
Bring drinking water on property – solar powered pump and solar pump, water hoses, plumbing etc (wellspring is 700 meters downhill from house) – 2000 € – (HAVE FUNDS)
Make outdoor summer showers and traditional bathroom for winter – 2000 € (we already have 1000€ )
Build two wooden cabins with solar can and solar panel heaters (one on property one in forest) – 7000 €
Build wood hut (outdoor kitchen) – 1000 € (We akready have funds)
Build two fire pits – 500 €
Electrify house and camp with renewable energy power (solar panels) – 2500 € (We have 700€)
Build workshop for woodwork (from old stall) – 1500 €
Build chicken coops – 400 €
Plant more in orchard – 200 €
Build greenhouse for winter season (7x14m) – 1500 € HAVE FUNDS
Food for one year for WWOOFers and kids coming to camp – 1000€
Taxes and registration of property – one year – 2000€
Buy 10 bicycles – 2500€ -( We have funds for five 1275€)
Total Funds we need to implement idea are 17100,70€.
We already have funds we won through Philantrophy for Green Ideas 7475.70€
So we need to fundraise 9625€ more
Main thing that dictate prices is position of property. Transportation costs always take 10-30% of investment.
I believe that positive example of property in manner of green development, renewable resources, informal educational will show young people that they can go back to their roots and live in balance with nature giving to everyone interested a place of rest, joy, fun.
Backing up this idea you will certainly contribute to people in Montenegro to realize that life out of cities is possible, healthy and enjoyable.
I’m currently project manager on project “Scouts Go Green!” (funded by Delegation of EU in Montenegro) where we are building a scout camp in “Garden of Ecologic” in Podgorica. Cubs have their own garden. Kids camp there, watch birds, learn and have fun.
More info on
You can also chech , portal we are running for Ngo’s in Montenegro
Not all funds are collected
Bad weather
Dealing with risks:
Raised funds are spent on priorities (water on property)
All activities are moved and implemented in better weather conditions
You Can Help Us With:
You can help for campaign to reach more people
You can come to us and help us build everything (scouts cook great food 😉 )